Find your application and click the link to fill out your online application form:
Application Information
We recognize the value of advertising. The Canandaigua Art & Music Festival has coupled media sponsorship with an extensive ad campaign to obtain maximum exposure for the show.
Artist Services
Our goal is to make exhibiting in an outdoor setting as enjoyable an experience as possible. To facilitate this objective, we take pride in providing artists with services including special hotel rates, preferential parking and exhibitor identification.
All work exhibited must be the original artwork produced by the registered applicant. Work that has been produced with commercial kits, molds, patterns, plans or prefabricated forms is not permitted. The limited use of commercial components will be permitted only if incidental to an applicants’ creation. Mass produced items and imported objects are not eligible nor allowed. Exhibitors whose work does not correspond with the quality represented in the slides may be asked to remove items or an entire exhibit without refund. Printed reproductions cannot comprise more than 50% of the total merchandise in the booth. The intention of these shows is to emphasize original work.
Exhibit Booth Fee – No Jury Fee
Registration Fee – $250. Payment must be submitted with application. A limited number of corner booth spaces (first come, first serve) are available for an additional $50. Power is available (limited availability) for a $50 fee. Checks returned for insufficient funds will be charged a $25.00 fee.
Photo Submission
Preferred method of submission is digital form. Print photos are also acceptable and must be clearly marked with artists name. Three (3) photos of your work and one (1) photo of your booth must be submitted in each category entered. Photos must accurately depict the work to be displayed for sale and be consistent with the category selected. Review the categories carefully and select the one that most closely fits your work. If your work is primarily in one medium in look and technique, even though another medium is used, your work will receive its best attention by the jury in the primary medium category.
Print photos will be retained for affirmation and will be returned on Sunday during the show.
Photo Jury
All artists must submit a total of four (4) photos for jurying (see above). The photos are the basis used by the Jury for selecting exhibitors for the available spaces. The Jury consists of persons knowledgeable in the field of fine arts and crafts. Jurying is anonymous. All decisions of the Jury are final. Each juror will be instructed to assign points to each photo. The points are totaled and those photo presentations which are in the upper percentage of their category will be accepted for exhibition. Jurying is based solely on the quality of the work shown. Photos should depict individual pieces or groupings not to exceed six (6) pieces. Poor quality photos or slides will diminish your chance of acceptance.