Downtown Canandaigua Merchant Association is comprised of businesses in the area that help organize and support each other. Building events, promotions, and growing strong, the Merchant Association is key.

Why Join the Merchant Association?

  1. Membership for one year.

  2. Merchant to Merchant Discounts.

  3. Monthly Meetings on what’s going on downtown and beyond Canandaigua that pertains to merchants.

  4. Getting Listed on our Business Directory, including a link from our page to your website.

  5. Being included in our Downtown Canandaigua Merchant Association Directory / Brochure.

  6. Opportunities for special promotions, events, and group advertising.

  7. Merchant Association Mixers.

  8. Merchant Self Promotion Materials, exclusive online calendar, Facebook, etc.

  9. Blog posting(s) about your business

  10. Regular emails that pertain to small business’ needs, tools, and development


  • Jeanne Beck (Jeanne Beck Gallery) President

  • Barb Rauscher (Rockcastle Florist) Vice President

  • Joshua Maxwell (Canandaigua National Bank) Treasurer

  • Pat Tribastone (Pat Tribastone Art Gallery) Secretary

Check out our Board of Directors and our active Committees.


To join the Merchant's Association you can become a member for $125 a year. Your business must be within the Canandaigua City area.